A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Lien, H. , System Tradeoffs for Pulsed MPD Thruster in Space Mission Application, Vol. 9, issue 12, 12/1973. Loeb, H. W., Electric Propulsion Technology Status and Development Plans European Programs, Journal, J. Spacecraft Rockets, Vol. 11, issue 12, 12/74 Mahdavi, M. R. , Makin, B., Optimisation of a Single Edge Colloid Thruster, Journal:IEE, issue pp. 79-83, 1973. Mahoney, J. F., et al. Performance of colloid annular emitters, AIAA Paper 73-1076 (1973). Maisenhaelder, F., Jet-Diagnostics of a Self-Field Accelerator with Langmuir Probes, Journal: Vol. q2. No. 9, 9/74. Malliaris, A. C., et al, Outstanding Problems Regarding the Feasibility of a Repetitively Pulsed MPD Propulsion System. AIAA Paper No. 70 1093, September 1970. Malliaris, A. C., System Requirements for Application of a Pulsed MPD to Electrical Propulsion Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1969. March, E. L., Attitude stability of a Flexible Solar Electric Spacecraft, Journal:!, Vol. 11, No. pp 89-96, 2/1974. Mickelsen, W. R., Auxiliary and Primary Electric Propulsion, Present and Future, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 1967. Michels, C. J., York, T. M., Exhaust Flow and Propulsion Characteristic of a Pulsed MPD-ARC Thruster. Vol. 11, Journal AHA No. 5, 5/1973. Molitor, J. H., Ion Propulsion Flight Experience, Life Tests and Reliability Estimates, AIAA Paper 73-1256 (1973). Murch, C. K., et al, Electrothermal Thruster Performance with Biowaste Propellants, AIAA Paper No. 70-1161, September 1970. Performance of Vortex Thruster Design with Biowaste Propellants. Nakanishi, S., and Finke, R. C., A 9700-hr Durability Test of a 5-cm-diam Ion Thruster, AIAA Paper 73-111 (1973). Naso, V., Electric Feeding in Quasi-Steady MPD Thrustors. Journal:IEE, issue pg. 214-219.