A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Solar Electric Propulsion Asteriod Belt Mission Study, Vol. II and III, Final Report No. SD. 70-21-1, JPL Contract No. 952566, North American Rockwell Corporation, Downey, California, January 1970. Oman, H., High Voltage Solar Array for Ion Engines, AIAA Paper No. 70-1138, September 1970. Owens, W. R., Preionization in a Magnetoplasma-Dynamic Generator. Journal AIAA Vol. 13, No. 3, March 3, 1975. Owens, Jr., W. L., A Noble Gas Ion Propulsion System, AIAA Paper 73-114 (1973). Owens, Jr., W. L., Optimization of Ion Propulsion for N-S Stationkeeping of Communications Satellites, AIAA Paper 72-1150. Pearson, J. J., Result of the Definition Studies for the Application Electrical Propulsion Systems of the Stationkeeping of European Communication Satellites., Journal:IEE, issue 100 pg. 187-191, 1973. Piperno, F. Stranim, Theoretical Model of Ion-Neutral Coupling in a MPD Pulsed Accelerator, Journal:IEE, issue 100, 1973. Poeschel, R. L., et al. An Engineering Model 30-cm Ion Thruster, AIAA Paper 73-1084 (1973). Pugmire, T. K., et al, ATS-III Resistojet Thruster System Performance, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 6, NO. 7, July 1969. Rawlin, V. K., et al, 3ERT II: Durability of the Hollow Cathode and Future Applications of Hollow Cathodes, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1970. Paper presents results on component lifetests for periods up to 3500 hours. Reader, P. D., and Regatz, J. A., Agena Boosted Electrically Raised High Power Synchronous Satellite, NASA LMX-52690, October 1969. Rex, D., Koehnecks, B., Redundant Configuration of Electric Propulsion Systems for Stationkeeping, Journal Vol. II #7, 7/1974. Richley, E., et al, Bombardment Thruster Investigations at the Lewis Research Center, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1969.