A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Rosen, S. G. , Colloid and Pulsed Plasma Thrusters for Spacecraft Propulsion AIAA Paper 73-1254 (1973). Rosen, S. G. , Development and Testing of a Radioisotope - Fueled Thruster for Spacecraft Propulsion 237rd Inter. Astro. Fed., Vienna, 1972. Rulis, R. J., Design Considerations and Requirements for Integrating an Electric Propulsion System into the SERT II Spacecraft, Paper No. 70-1123, Presented at the AIAA 8th Electric Propulsion Conference, Stanford, Calif., August 31 - September 2, 1973. Schreib, R. R., et al, The Hybrid Hydrazine Resistojet, AIAA Paper No. 69- 196, June 1969. Description of the Hybrid Resistojet Concept. Schreitmueller, K. R., Nomographs for Orbital Transfer by Solar Electric Propulsion, Journal:IEE, issue 100 pg. 238 1973. Schwartz, F. C., A Rugged Electronic Converter for Ion Propulsion, AIAA Paper No. 70-1157, September 1970. Sedlacek, W. C., et al, Final Report - Information Systems Requirements Study NASA CR-73421. March 1970. Identification of 31 Functional Demands for Information Transfer Systems that are Expected to be Important in Next Fifteen Years. Seike W., Untersuchug (Test results of the "Eska 18" Ion Thruster., Vol. 17, No. 5, ppi 215-220. 10.1973. Shattuck, R., Auxiliary Propulsion Survey, Part I, Electric Thruster Survey, AFAPL TR-68-67 Part I, 1968. Sohl, G. , et al, Thrust Vectoring of Ion Engines, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1969. Description of Mechanical Displacement Techniques for Thrust Vectoring Multiaperture Cesium Electron Bombardment Ion Engines. Sohl, G., et al, Cesium Electron-Bombardment Ion Microthrusters. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 1967. Solbes A., Vondra, R. J., Performance Study of a Solid, Vol. 10, Journal No. 6, pp. 406-410, 6/1973. Steindler, R., Mass Feeding in Quasi-Steady MPD Thrusters., Journal:IEE, issue on pg. 220-225, 1973.