A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

TY STATEMENT AND DISCUSSION: Overview of solar energy application; extent of solar energy development abroad; need for Federal participation in introducing solar technology. AN - 74-S121-3 MTI - Space Shuttle Payloads, Part 2 MRE - Oct. 31, 1973; iv+101, p. 11 Continuation of hearings on plans for the space shuttle era. This volume considers potential use of space shuttle for missions relating to energy production and transmission, and to industrial production in space. WITNESS: Glaser, Peter E., vp. engineering sciences, Arthur D. Little, Inc. TY STATEMENT AND DISCUSSION: Slides presentation and explanation of operations of a satellite solar power station (SSPS) including microwave generation and transmission system; planned space shuttle transportation system for SSPS; estimated cost of program over next ten years. AN - 74-H701-15 MTI - Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act MRE - Nov. 13-15, 1973; vii+502, il. WITNESS: Glasor, Peter E., vp. engineering sciences, Arthur D. Little, Inc. STATEMENT: Assessment of industry's technological ability to develop solar heating and cooling systems; description of typical solar climate control system. (p. 128-158) DISCUSSION: Problems with H. R. 10952 funding (p. 158-163) INSERTION: Project Plan for a Program to Develop a Solar Climate Control Industry, Mar. 16, 1973, Arthur D. Little (p. 139-157). AN - 74-H441-20 MTI - National Energy Research MRE - May 16, 23, June 13, Dec. 10, 18, 1973, Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 19 AN - 74-H441-20.7 ARE - June 13, 1973, p. 206-220 ARS - 464 WI WITNESS: Glasor, Peter E., vp. and head of engineering sciences, Arthur D. Little Co., Inc.