A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

TY STATEMENT AND DISCUSSION: Review of U.S. and foreign applications of solar energy; status of, and importance of further development on, satellite solar power stations. AN - 73-H701-15 MTI - Energy Research and Development and Space Technology MRE - May 7, 22, 24, 1973; iii+5.0 p. il. Appendices (p. 502-570) contain additional submitted statements and: a. Moore School of Electrical Engineering ''Nonionizing Radiation Hazards” paper on biological hazards which may result from exposure to microwaves (p. 539-548). b. "Major NASA Energy Systems, Programs, and Potential Applications," table (p. 559). c. Williams, J. R., "Satellite Nuclear Power Station," rpt. (p. 563-570). AN - 73-H701-15.12 ARE - May 24, 1973, p. 257-501 ARS - 1708 TY Statements and Discussion: Explanation, with slides, of satellite solar power stations (SSPS) concept and microwave beam radiation effects (technical memo of dev. plans, p. 281-284), analysis of problem areas and requirements; economic factors in evaluating and developing energy options; feasibility of satisfying peak energy demands from space power stations. Evaluation of space shuttle program and possibility of Apollo mission in geosynchronous orbit possible uses of SSPS for support of space activities; potential consequences of energy sources vulnerability. Briefing papers, prepared for subcom. including charts, photos, tables, titled: a. "Power from the Sun via Satellite" by P. E. Glaser; assessment of SSPS feasibility, including technical principles, economic considerations, environmental issues, and list of references (p. 298-373). b. "Space Technology and Energy " by K. A. Ehricke, focusing on space relaying by microwave beam transmission and power relay satellites (p. 329-373).