A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

indicates that they pose no problem. Ref. A12 describes a system of reaction wheels which would be used to counter these torques. Ref. All indicates that additional study of this problem is required. e. Micrometeorite Protection While the density and locations of micrometeorites are random, it is known that structures of the size under consideration will be subject to impacts during their 30-year life. Studies reported in Ref. A12 that considered micrometeorite distribution indicate that they will pose no problems for reflective surfaces. The study did indicate, however, that the heat radiators needed on all solar-thermal SPS's should be protected against micrometeorite damage. f. Current-Carrying Structural Members The unknowns associated with this dual use of structural members are cited in Ref. A9. The system reported in Ref. All would make extensive use of structural members for power busses, and this document states that a key trade is the extent to which this is possible. In a related area, Ref. A2 states that more information is needed on electromagnetic bending forces versus such conducting structural members. g. Radiation Damage Potential Ref. A9 cites the potential for radiation damage, and Ref. A12 discusses an evaluation of this possibility. Proton flux in GEO was found to pose a significant potential for damaging metallized surfaces. h. Alignment/Adjustment Provisions This subject was noted in only two documents, although it will undoubtedly pose severe requirements on any SPS. Ref. All discusses the screw-jack mounting system for the wave guide panels (3 per panel) and states that they will be used for mounting purposes and will also allow for alignment of the panels after assembly. Ref. E4 proposes a structural/ assembly approach in which the structure would first undergo a ground test and alignment procedure where alighment could be accomplished with precision tools. Following orbital assembly, the alignment would be verified,