SPS Feasability Study SD76SA0239-2

5. PROGRAMMATICS The economic viability of SPS stands on the same level with technical feasibility as to program importance. The preceding study tasks generated design concepts for the satellite and its systems, construction equipment and orbital facilities, and a space transportation systems needed to support assembly operations. In this task a representative program breakdown structure was developed and an example development schedule constructed. These provided the framework for costing. Cost estimates were prepared, a program funding curve was generated, and a range of user costs was calculated. Finally, each of the technical disciplines was asked to delineate areas where technology advancements were required. These were compiled and assessed as to their degree of program-criticality. 5.1 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT As the basis for the programmatic assessments, a simplified program breakdown structure (Figure 5.1-1) has been developed for the SPS. This program breakdown structure borrows liberally from the thinking and effort conducted by MSFC, JSC, and supporting contractors. The most comprehensive Figure 5.1-1. SPS Program Breakdown Structure