SPS Feasability Study SD76SA0239-2

The SE&I element costs include engineering-related efforts required to establish and maintain systems technical parameters and requirements to ensure that configuration design, mating surfaces, parts and equipment conform to design specifications, including efforts such as analysis, integration and definition of interface requirements. These costs were calculated as a percentage factor of the satellite theoretical first unit (TFU) cost (110.0 percent for DDT&E and 15.0 percent for production). Satellite ($229.3B) The satellite cost elements include solar blankets, structure and rotary joint, microwave antenna, attitude control and stationkeeping (ACS), ground support equipment (GSE), and system test and evaluation. Cost of the satellite elements total $229.3B or 27.0 percent of the total program cost. The following sections provide additional cost data for each of the satellite elements: Solar Array ($96.5B). The solar array costs include the cost of solar blankets, reflectors, electrical power distribution network. GaAlAs is employed as the solar cells on a thin film Kapton substrate. These costs were calculated parametrically. The DDT&E costs were assumed to be the equivalent cost of two solar blankets TFU cost. The production costs were based on TFU CER's; solar cells/blankets at $71.43/m2 ($6.64/sq.ft); reflectors at $4.56/m2 (42q/sq.ft.); array wiring at $18.22/kg ($8.26/lb) and switching and control at $2,070/kg ($939/lb). The solar array costs are 11.4 percent of the total program cost and 42.1 percent of the satellite cost. Structure and Rotary Joint ($8.8B). The structure and rotary joint element costs include the cost of array structure, microwave antenna structure, rotary joint assembly, supporting structure and associated wiring and distribution. The DDT&E costs were assumed to be the equivalent cost of two structure and rotary joint TFU cost. The production costs were based on TFU CER's; array structure at $18.22/kg ($8,26/lb); microwave antenna structure at $18.22/kg ($8.26/lb); microwave antenna tension webbing at $414/kg ($188/lb); microwave attachments and rope at $207/kg ($94/lb); rotary joint assembly at $18.22/kg ($8.26/lb); support structure $18.22/kg ($8.26/lb), and wiring and distribution at $207/kg ($94/lb). The structure and rotary joint costs are 1.0 percent of the total program cost and 3.8 percent of the satellite cost. Microwave Antenna ($79.7B) . The microwave antenna element costs include the cost of amplitrons, waveguide panels, control unit (consisting of antenna pointing/steering, antenna figure/phase control, and regulation and command electronics), and wiring and distribution. The DDT&E costs were assumed to be the equivalent of two microwave antenna TFU costs. The production costs were based upon TFU CER's; amplitrons at $33.75/kw, waveguide panels at $145/kg ($66/lb), antenna pointing and steering at $3,106/kg ($l,409/lb), antenna figure/phase control at $5,807/kg ($2,634/lb), regulation and command electronics at $2,070/kg ($939/lb) and wiring and distribution at $193/kg ($88/lb). The microwave antenna costs are 9.4 percent of the total program cost and 34.8 percent of the satellite cost.