SPS Feasability Study SD76SA0239-2

costs as calculated above were based upon the satellite TFU cost rather than the launch vehicle cost. It was felt that the satellite demands for facilities in and around the launch site would sufficiently exceed those for the launch vehicle and that it would justify basing these costs on the satellite TFU cost rather than the launch vehicle TFU cost. The facilities costs are 2.1 percent of the total program cost and 4.0 percent of the ground support systems cost. Logistics ($70.5B). The logistics element costs include the cost of satellite and equipment transportation and handling, inventory control and warehousing, spares, and training. The DDT&E cost and production costs were calculated as a percentage factor of the satellite TFU cost, (DDT&E at 40.0 percent and production at 36.0 percent). The logistics costs are 8.3 percent of the total program costs and 16.2 percent of the ground support systems cost. Launch Support ($199.IB). The launch support element cost includes cost per flight of the launch vehicle. The DDT&E costs were assumed to be the equivalent cost of two launch vehicle TFU costs. The launch support costs were based on $1.8M per flight for 109,800 flights. The launch support costs are 23.4 percent of the total program cost and 45.7 percent of the ground support systems cost. Space Transportation ($65.2B) The space transportation element costs include the cost of the earth launch vehicles orbital transfer vehicles, and the crew resupply modules. Cost of the space transportation elements is $65.2B or 7.7 percent of the total program cost. The following sections provide additional cost data for each of the space transportation elements. Earth Launch Vehicle ($53.6B) . The earth launch vehicle is a new development, air-augmented-horizontal-takeoff-single-stage-to-orbit vehicle with a payload capability of 91,000kg (200,000 lb). Costs were based on engineering cost estimates, DDT&E cost at $7.2B and TFU cost at $0.720B. The earth launch vehicle is 6.3 percent of the total program cost and 82.2 percent of the space transportation element cost. Orbital Transfer Vehicle ($11.0B). The orbital transfer vehicle is a Boeing design, two-stage LO2/LH2 common OTV, scaled by Rockwell to meet the 91,000-kg (200,000-lb) payload capability of the ELV. Costs were based on Boeing cost estimates, DDT&E cost at $0.449B and TFU cost at $0.058B. The orbital transfer vehicle costs also includes cost per flight for 36,000 flights at $200,000 each. The OTV cost is 1.3 percent of the total program cost and 16.9 percent of space transportation cost. Crew and Resupply Module ($0.6B). The crew and resupply module costs are based on engineering cost estimates, DDT&E at $0.298B and TFU at $0.082B each. The crew and resupply module cost is 0.1 percent of the total program cost and 1.0 percent of the space transportation cost.