SPS Salvage and Disposal Alternatives

TABLE 1.3 DISPOSAL OPTIONS AMD COSTS activity; however, this activity might be very minimal (once every 1000 years, for example, depending on requirements). The third and fourth options dispose of the satellite forever by removing it from geocentric space. These could be desirable options if it becomes important to assure that no future concern need be given to the satellite. The final disposal option, earth reentry, is probably the least desirable from not only the aspect of cost--it requires the highest velocity increment--but from environmental and risk concerns as well. This disposal mode is unlikely to be implemented. 1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The conclusions and recommendations with respect to the demonstration satellite are as follows. The preferred salvage use is to use the demonstration satellite as a power source for a laser space transportation system. This will require installation of a laser power transmitter on the satellite. Accordingly it is recommended that the demonstration satellite be equipped with both a microwave