SPS Salvage and Disposal Alternatives

The third major category of private sector activity in space is energy. If SPS is implemented, these expenditures will be quite high. For example, the operation and maintenance expense on a fleet of 60 SPS satellites will be on the order of $30 billion per year. Capital construction of new SPS satellites could add another $20 billion to $50 billion or more to this amount. Worldwide implementation of SPS on a large scale plus construction of space-based energy systems for lunar exploration, asteriod retrieval and space habitation could increase this amount to as much as $250 billion per year. In addition to the above four categories of space-based activities, there are a number of other activities that are likely to occur in space. These include physics and astronomy, solar system exploration, basic and applied research, space tourism, space-based navigation systems and so on. These miscellaneous activities are likely to involve expenditures in the range of $5 billion to $50 billion per year by the year 2060. Summing these figures as shown in Figure 2.2, the private sector potential activities in space range from a low of about $65 billion per year in the year 2060 to a high of about $1 trillion per year. FIGURE 2.2 POTENTIAL SPACE ACTIVITY LEVELS, 1980-2060