SPS Salvage and Disposal Alternatives

Variable Definition Nominal Value Time subscript referenced to year 2000 (years) The time at which demonstration satellite power is consumed (years) Rate of increase in the demand for space power (MW/year) Power available from the demonstration satellite in 2000 for space operations (W) Percent power degradation (due to both random nonreplaced failures and radiation effects) (%/year) Percentage of the demonstration satellite power that may be efficiently utilized for other missions (%) Discount rate (%) Cost per kilogram for transporting power subsystem from the demonstration satellite orbit to mission orbit ($/kg) Cost per kilowatt for segmenting the demonstration satellite into useful size power modules ($/kW) Cost per kilowatt for installing the demonstration satellite system segment on a mission spacecraft ($/kW) Cost per kilowatt for installing non-SPS power system on a mission spacecraft ($/kW) Demonstration satellite continuing operations costs (during salvage operations) ($/year) Initial mass of demonstration satellite just prior to start of salvage operations (kg) Achievable power density of power system (kg/kW)