SPS Salvage and Disposal Alternatives

FIGURE 5.2 PROGRAMMATIC IMPLICATION OF DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE SALVAGE VALUE demonstration phase it will be decided to commercialize or implement the SPS technology. Thus two options may be considered to exist upon completion of the demonstration phase. These are termination of the SPS program and commercialization or continuation of the SPS program into an implementation phase. The consequences of a termination or stop decision would be that the costs sunk in the SPS program, Cp/D and in Figure 5.2, would be lost and the beneifts of commerialization, BSPS would not be realized. It is only through the commercialization phase that the SPS development costs would in any way be recovered (Figure 5.2(a)). On the other hand if the demonstration satellite can be salvaged say, for example, for use as a power supply for a laser space transportation system, this salvage use provides a benefit, BLTS in Figure 5.2(b), that directly offsets the SPS