SPS Built of Lunar Materials. Space Studies Institute RFP 1984

be provided by the recipient. This may be a difficulty for some organizations, especially for small businesses. The Space Studies Institute will consider funding the cost-sharing portion of such research, applicable to the processing of nonterrestrial materials, if a firm case for need of such support is made. SSI should be provided with a copy of the proposal, prior to its submission to the main funding agency, for review by technical advisors to SSI. If the proposal objectives conform to the Institute's aims, SSI may then commit itself, in writing, to provide the cost-sharing contribution pending acceptance of the proposal by the primary funding agency. SSI will not support funding of proposal preparation. A maximum cost-sharing fraction of 20% will be considered and a maximum contribution limit of $10,000 will be imposed. It is possible that more than one proposal may be accepted under this portion of the SSI program. A11 publications resulting from this support must acknowledge the contribution by SSI. Patents, Copyrights, Proprietary Knowledge and Techniques: The Space Studies Institute is funded through private contributions and is a nonprofit organization. Its objective is to advance the leading-edge research programs essential to opening the High Frontier501 of space for human benefit within this century. Some research and development programs funded in whole or in part by the Institute could result in revenue-producing patents, industrial procedures and devices. SSI's intent is to retain a proportion of the profits which may result from licenses, royalties, sales of products, or other successful commercial outgrowths of programs supported by SSI. Any such profits will be used to increase the effectiveness and scope of SSI-supported programs. SSI will require a position in the economic benefits which reflects the