SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

for the hydrogen—oxygen motors. This fuel must be annually re-supplied. It is assumed that the 17.1 tons of oxygen will be lunar. WBS 1.1.6 Interface Joint This component is mostly aluminum structure. The turntable is also mostly aluminum structure, and many of the roller parts are steel. The electric slipring design is described in section 4.5. WBS 1.1.7 Growth and Contingency Estimating the growth allowance was outside the scope of this study. The value from the Boeing study, 26.7%, was assumed for comparison purposes. It is assumed that most growth would be in the largely lunar items, so the lunar fraction of the growth margin was assumed to be the same as for the rest of the satellite, 99.07 6.3 REFERENCES FOR ESTIMATED SPS MASS STATEMENT 1. Harron, R. J., and Wadle, R. C., Solar Power Satellite Cost Estimate, NASA Technical Memorandum 58231, Johnson Space Center, Jan, 1981. 2. Solar Power Satellite System Definition Study, Part 2, Vol. 6: Evaluation Data Book, Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, D18O-22876-6. 3. Woodcock, G. R., "Transportation Networks for Lunar Resources Utilization’’, Boeing Aerospace Company, Huntsville, Alabama, 1985.