SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

FIGURE 1.1-4, NON-LUNAR SPECIFIC MASS COMPARISON Silicon Planar In the silicon planar configuration, non-concentrated sunlight falls onto a planar array of silicon cells. Cells are passively cooled by radiating from their own surfaces. They are partly protected from harmful radiation by thick silica glass windows and substrate. Cells are periodically annealed to repair damage from energetic particles. Previous silicon planar SPS designs have used plastic tape to connect solar cell panels in a flat array. The design developed in this study uses aluminum wire *o connect and support the panels, reducing non-lunar mass. The panels are angled to face the sun more squarely, which improves efficiency. The silicon planar design uses virtually no non-lunar materials. It is also the least massive conversion system overall, as shown in Figures 1.1-3 and 1.1-4. The mass shown may be optimistic by a factor of two if radiation damage cannot be repeatedly annealed out of silicon cells, but the silicon planar concept would still require the least non-lunar material.