SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

1.1.4 Microwave Transmitter The microwave transmitter includes RF amplifiers, waveguides, power distribution systems, phase control systems, thermal control systems, and structure. It may also include microwave optics such as a lens or reflector. Major components of the microwave transmitter are described below. RF Amplifiers Two RF amplifiers, a klystron and a magnetron, were redesigned for minimal use of non-lunar material. The magnetron was found to contain more non- lunar material, but its higher efficiency reduces the size of the power conversion system. Thus the magnetron is preferred if the power conversion system contains much non-lunar material, and the klystron is preferred if the power conversion system contains little non-lunar material. Using this criterion, the klystron is appropriate for the silicon planar and gallium arsenide concentrator systems; the magnetron is preferred for all others. A third RF amplifier concept, the gyrocon, was dropped from consideration due to its low state of development. Waveguides The waveguide designed by General Dynamics(3), which has a conductive coating of aluminum in a foamed glass waveguide, was selected. It uses no non-lunar materials and remains within the close length tolerance over a wide temperature range. The alternative, an all-aluminum waveguide, could not maintain the required length in the severe thermal environment of the microwave transmitter. Microwave Lens A microwave lens design was developed so that SPS systems smaller than 2 GW could be economical. The lens is a Fresnel lens made of layers of aluminum wire mesh, and requires very little non-lunar material. Assuming that a reasonable design limit is that the lens constitutes no more than 50* of the SPS mass, then a power level as low as 200 MW can be achieved. Further study is required to verify the effectiveness of the lens design.