SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

In earlier studies, the panels were connected and supported by Kapton tape. Substitution of aluminum tape for Kapton was considered, but the tape adhesive still required a large non—lunar mass. It was decided to use a grid of aluminum wires to support the panels. Panels are mounted in front of the grid. Unlike earlier studies, this design puts no tensile stress on the panels. Cell substrate plates are 2 cm wider than cover plates, with holes drilled near the two sides. Support rods from the grid wires are connected to the panels at these holes. The panels are canted at 12 degrees to the SPS’s longitudinal axis (Fig. 2.1-4) to reduce solstice cosine losses. The cells never face more than 12 degrees away from the sun because the SPS is rotated 180 degrees at each equinox. At edges of the grid the support wires are connected to catenary cables which attach to the primary bay structure (Fig. FIGURE 2.1-3, PANEL ARRAY AND PRIMARY BAY STRUCTURE