SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

FIGURE 2.1-4, PANEL DETAIL It is assumed that the silver grid fingers of the original design can be replaced with aluminum, based on Wang’s results(5,pp580-583). Wang found that silver contacts could be replaced by copper if a layer of aluminum were used to prevent copper from diffusing into the silicon. In this design, the aluminum layer is thicker so no copper is needed. The base efficiency for these cells is assumed to be 15.752 at AMO (Air Mass 0, refers to the solar spectrum unaltered by atmosphere, such as would be found at geo-synchronous orbit) and 25C, as in the Boeing study(2,p57). Allowing for increased efficiency due to the grooved cover plate and losses due to mismatch, radiation degradation, etc. (see the minimum efficiency is taken to be 14.342. 2.1.3 Design Summary Table 2.1-1 presents a design summary for an SPS which delivers 9 GW to the spacecraft bus. The design is based on standard panels from the Boeing reference design which have been modifieu to include various material substitutions. The panel design is detailed in the technical discussion that follows. Note that the mass summary includes the catenary tensioning system but that no attempt has been made here to estimate the mass of the supporting structure.