SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

TPVMODEL uses cell properties and their temperature dependence to estimate the fraction (f_e) of the potentially convertible power which actually becomes electricity at a given cell temperature. The remainder of the power above the cells* band-gap energy is part of the cooling load. Other parameters used in TPVMODEL are the front-surface reflectivity of the cells, the emissivity of the radiator, and the optical configuration of the radiator cavity. A crucial parameter is the fraction of infrared power (from photons with energies below the band-gap) which passes through the cells and is reflected back to the radiator; absorbed infrared photons add to the cooling load but add nothing to the electrical output. The principal outputs of TPVMODEL are the total mass and the total Earth mass of the TPV converter, together with the solar concentrator and the cooling system. Parameters used to support these outputs are the specific masses of various components and the estimated non-lunar mass fraction of each. TPVMODEL has provisions for using thermal energy stored in the radiator to provide power during the eclipsed portion of the SPS orbit. Parameter A13, set to FALSE in this example, controls whether thermal storage will be considered.