SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI Heat Absorber The system uses a cavity heat absorber which collects heat from the concentrator and transfers it to the helium flowing through the pipes on its panels. A typical absorber panel is shown in figure 2.4-6. FIGURE 2.4-6, CAVITY HEAT ABSORBER PANEL The heat absorber tubing loops are mounted on the cavity interior side. The skin of the panel is multi-layer high temperature insulation, stabilized by a crisscross wire pattern. Figure 2.4-7 shows one cavity which provides 1.1 GW to the SPS bus. The dashed outline in Figure 2.4-8 represents the cavity absorber. The manifolds which conduct the hot and cold helium through the engine are shown here. By using insulated ducts, a cooler and thereby stronger outer shell is achieved.