SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

structure. The lower stiffness, however, will result in a lower natural frequency which will tend to destabilize the structure. Calculations of the natural frequency of the structure with lower stiffness were not within the scope of this study. At any rate, the results of such calculations would not significantly affect the non-lunar mass of the design. 3.4 DESIGN SUMMARY The rectangular structure has dimensions of 10710 m by 5348 m by 470 m. The configuration of a corner bay is shown in Figure 3.4-1. The bays are made of triangular frames. The frames are designed to be assembled in space from aluminum beams. Preloaded cross cables are used to provide shear stiffness in the frames.(1) FIGURE 3.4-1, STRUCTURAL CORNER BAY To reduce thermal gradient on the members, flanged lighting holes can be spaced to reduce shadowing as much as possible.(1) Thermal coatings can also be used to maintain temperatures and gradients within acceptable limits.(10)