SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

aluminum, which provides the same losses as the 1.0 cm bar of coin silver. This reduces the requirement for a 5 GW SPS with the reference configuration from 11.8 metric tons of coin silver to 1.2 metric tons. It also reduces the total slipring mass from 11.8 tons to 4.0 tons. 4.6 POWER DISTRIBUTION REFERENCES 1. Bock, E., et al.,Lunar Resources Utilization for Space Construction, Vols. 1-3, General Dynamics Convair, San Diego, Cal., NAS9-15560, April 1979. 2. Woodcock, G. R., et al.,Solar Power Satellite - System Definition Study, Vols. 1-8, Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, Wash., NAS9-15196, Dec. 1977. 3. Hanley, G. M., Satellite Power Systems Concept Definition Study, Vols. 1-7, Rockwell International, Downey, Cal., NAS8-32475, Sept. 1980. 4. Lauritzen, Peter 0., Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, personal communication. 5. Weldon, W. F., and Aanstoos, T.,”The Proposed CEM-UT 50-MJ Pulsed Homopolar Generator Power Supply”,IEEE Trans, on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-18, No. 1, Jan. 1982, pp. 165-169. 6. Harron, R. J., and Wadle, R. C., Solar Power Satellite Cost Estimate, LBJ Space Center, NASA, 1981, NASA Tech. Memorandum 58231.