SPS Built of Lunar Material SRA Report for SSI

5.2 KLYSTRON The klystron amplifier was used in the reference SPS design developed by Boeing in 1980. The best demonstrated efficiency of a klystron is 74%; the best attainable efficiency is probably about 85%.(6) The design reference used here is Ref #10, p 175ff. In order to increase the lunar material content of the klystron, aluminum has been substituted for copper in the electromagnet. Aluminum has 64.9% of the conductivity of copper, hence requires 1.541 times the cross sectional area to carry the same current. The ratio of densities of aluminum to copper is 2.70/8.89 or copper. To be conservative, a factor of 0.50 was used when making mass calculations. The particular klystron design analysed is as follows: TABLE 5.2-1 KLYSTRON MASS STATEMENT