SPS Hearings, 94th Congress January 1976

But again, sir, that is the power relay satellite, not the satellite solar power station. They are two separate systems that we were asked to look at in our study. Senator Ford. Our time is moving on and we have been at it almost an hour, and I think we could go on for a longer period of time. I may not have covered some areas you were hoping I would and maybe got into some areas you were hoping I wouldn't. But if there are some areas I have missed, we would hope that you would give us some comments—the testimony will be open. And let me congratulate you on your testimony this morning and tell you how much we appreciate your coming and being frank with us—and hopefully we can develop and study these concepts during those 2 or 3 years in front of us to a point where, at the end of that time, we can put it on go or say, no, it isn't economically feasible. And we have heard—even though the gentleman said it was rambling a little bit, about the problems that were faced early in the Apollo project and even the unknowns that were faced then were such that we had to be very careful—we are generally moving into the same type of an approach to this energy development system. I have no further questions, unless counsel has some questions. Mr. Bruce. No, I don't, Mr. Chairman. Senator Ford. All right, we thank you gentlemen very much. Dr. Greenblat. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Ford. The next witness will be Dr. John M. Teem, Assistant Administrator for Solar, Geothermal and Advanced Energy Systems, Energy Research and Development Administration. Dr. Teem, good morning. Dr. Teem. Good morning, Mr. Chairman. Senator Ford. Just a minute, Dr. Teem, there is some anxiety to get your statement. And we are delighted at the interest being generated by these hearings. Dr. Teem. Perhaps, Mr. Chairman, if I may go off the record for a moment and make a personal remark. Senator Ford. You may—and I might make one back at you. [Briefly off the record.] Senator Ford. All right, Dr. Teem, you may proceed. [Biography of Dr. John M. Teem follows:] Biography of Dr. John M. Teem, ERDA Dr. John M. Teem has served as Assistant Administrator for Solar, Geothermal and Advanced Energy Systems since January 19, 1975, when the Energy Research and Development Administration began operation. He has brought to that position a career in academic and industrial research and in corporate and government research management. Dr. Teem came to ERDA from the Atomic Energy Commission where he was Assistant General Manager for Physical Research. In that position, he supervised research and development in the physical sciences and controlled fusion fields. He also served the AEC as Director of the Division of Physical Research and Acting Director of the Office of Laboratory Coordination. The Commission awarded him the Distinguished Service Award on December 31, 1974. Prior to joining the AEC in January 1973, Dr. Teem was Director, Technical Staff, Corporate Research and Development for Xerox. He assisted in the development of the Corporation's technical strategies and was responsible for coordination of research and product development in the Corporation's computer and education activities. He joined the Xerox corporate staff in 1967 as Manager of its strategic Analysis Department where he assisted in the long-range planning