Military Implications of an SPS

practice in analogous industries; it is based on the philosophy that the end-user of a product or service must bear its costs, including those associated with assurances that the goods and services which fulfill their needs do not constitute a threat to others. In view of the difficulties noted above with various umbrella organizations for RIO, it is likely that RIO would have to be established as an entirely new kind of international entity, sui generis. The political difficulties of establishing RIO may be smaller than those of forming a multinational alliance for the DDT&E and startup phases of an SPS program, since even nations ideologically opposed to the United States, to the SPS, or indeed, to international cooperation, would have a strong vested interest in ensuring that SPS did not become a military threat. A. 3 Operational Considerations Personnel estimates to man and staff the RIO are shown in Table A-l. It should be emphasized that these are estimates and are based on minimal manning of each power satellite. The estimates have been deliberately set low because RIO should be set up as a lean organization; it will have the usual tendency to grow, and this growth must be kept to a minimum consistent with effectiveness. A Resident Inspection Team may consist of only a few people. Indeed, during the early years of the SPS program, a Resident Inspection Team may consist of only four people, enough to operate three eight-hour shifts plus a supervisor who can step in as supernumerary in case of incapacitation of another member of the Team. A Resident Inspection Team would live with the operations crew aboard each power satellite and each orbital base. They would have their own dedicated and secured communications channel to RIO headquarters. They would not operate on any sort of scheduled inspection routine, but would inspect and observe on a highly random basis. SPS personnel would not know from one shift to the next what the Resident Team would be looking at or for. Much of the equipment of the Resident Inspection Team would be automated to provide an alarm in case of any change. (For example, should some military hardware have been bolted onto the power satellite girders covertly, the mass and moments- of-inertia of the satellite would change, and the Attitude Control System would require longer burns on the ACS thrusters, providing a computer-detectable change in the system.) Basically, the Team would be watching for changes that would