Military Implications of an SPS

TABLE 3-8. SPACE-TO-SPACE THREATS WEAPON TARGET PERIOD REMARKS HEL Spacecraft, missiles N-M Level of capability increases with time. HF chemical lasers could be deployed in space by the late 1980’s. EDL’s and FEL’s are likely candidates for deployment in GEO since large amounts of electrical power would be available. LEO deployment would enable use of such lasers for ABM defense, but the relay of electrical power from SPS’s in GEO would be required to make ABM defense feasible with electrically-driven lasers. PBW (neutral hydrogen) Spacecraft, missiles F(M?) Power relay from GEO to LEO would be required for ABM defense. Orbital interceptors Spacecraft N Space missiles and mines. Conventional or nuclear warheads. Nuclear weapons Spacecraft N Weapons exist but deployment in space is banned by treaty. Use may pose fratricide problems for attacker. Spacecraft Spacecraft used as support Spacecraft Non-specific N N ASAT carrier Shelter, services, supplies Troops Spacecraft DRMR C2 M but I N N Physical occupation or seizure (SATNAP). Unlikely because booby trans and self-defense devices could be installed easily. Also, cheaper, better ways exist to accomolish the desired goals. Important mission for the Space Shuttle. SPS beam Spacecraft F Insufficient power for physical damage against moderately shielded targets, even at close range. EW is feasible.