SPS Concept Development Reference System Report

FOREWORD The possibility of generating large quantities of electrical power in space and transmitting it to earth using satellites was first suggested in 1968. During the following years, several studies of the concept were conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and industry. The energy shortages of 1973 spurred interest in the concept and in early 1976, the Department of Energy (DOE) (then the Energy Research and Development Administration) and NASA initiated an SPS Concept Development and Evaluation Program. This evaluation program is guided by a joint DOE-NASA plan which covers a period from mid-1977 to mid-1980. The key program milestones which guide all substudies and program activities are: Reference System Definition October 1978 Preliminary Program Recommendations May 1979 Updated Program Recommendations January 1980 Final Program Recommendations June 1980 The joint plan states that the Reference System selection milestone "will focus the evaluation effort in what is considered to be at that time the optimal direction." It will particularly emphasize technical and operational information required by DOE to conduct environmental, socioeconomic and comparative studies. This report is submitted in response to the first major program milestone. It defines a Reference System Concept based on the system definition effort to date. The concept presented is considered to be in the proper "direction," but is not optimum at this time. The system definition studies have, however, indicated technical feasibility of the reference concept and the concept will continue to be analyzed and changed as the results of preceding systems definition and other studies warrant.