Ionizing Radiation Risks to SPS Workers

APPENDIX C GLOSSARY Aspermia: The absence of sperm or a marked decrease in sperm count. Bremsstrahlung: Secondary photon radiation produced by deceleration of charged particles. Cataractogenesis: The induction of cataracts in the lens of the eye. Dose: A general form denoting the quantity of radiation or energy absorbed. For special purposes, it must be appropriately qualified. If unqualified, it refers to absorbed dose. Absorbed dose: The energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradiated material at the place of interest. The unit of absorbed dose is the rad. Accumulated dose: Total dose resulting from repeated exposure to radiation. Dose equivalent (DE): Quantity that expresses all radiations on a common scale for calculating the effective absorbed dose. It is defined as the product of the absorbed dose in rad and certain modifying factors (See Quality Factor). The unit of DE is the rem. For example, the radiation risk from one rem of any ionizing radiation is assumed to be equivalent to that from one rad of low-LET radiation. Dose rate: Absorbed dose delivered per unit of time. Electron: A subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge. Electron flux density: Electrons per square centimeter per second. Electron volt: A unit of energy equivalent to the energy gained by an electron in passing through a potential difference of one volt. Larger multiple units of the electron volt are frequently used: KeV for thousand or kilo electron volts; MeV for million or mega electron volts (Abbr.: eV, 1 eV = 1.6xl0“12erg.).