SPS Feasability Study SD76SA0239-2

Array Weights Total deployed cell planform area: Actual cell area because of packing factors: Total intercepted area of cells, blanket, and reflectors: . 2 2 Cell weight is 29.4 mg/cm (0.06 Ib/ft ). Packing factor space is 9.8 mg/cm2 (0.02 lb/ft^) . . Cell and blanket weights: 2.2.3 Solar Reflectors Thin reflector membranes are used on the SPS to reflect the sun on to the solar cell surface and obtain a concentration ratio of 2. The reflector is made of 25-pm (1-mil) aluminized Kapton. The reflective membranes are mounted on the main structure at a 60-degree angle as seen in reference configuration Figure 2. A preliminary specification sheet for the SPS reflectors indicating the design parameters, operating conditions, and weights is presented in Table 2.2-3. The geometrical relationships of the concentrators as a function