2017 Advanced Propulsion Workshop Videos: Day Three

February 2, 2018

The Space Studies Institute proudly presents the complete set of videos of the presentations from the final day of the 2017 Advanced Propulsion Workshop, held Friday, November 3rd, 2017 in the Sally Ride Board Room of The Aerospace Corporation’s El Segundo, California headquarters.

The presentations spanned a range of Propulsion Physics and Engineering topics with insightful and often entertaining Q&A. We hope that you will give each video a full view and that you will discover, as some of us did while putting the videos together, that even sessions not at first seeming to be in our personal areas of expertise can have real nuggets of directly usable information. Enjoy!


Session 09: Raymond Chiao.
Professor Emeritus at The University of California, Merced
Co-Author of “Quantum Optics“, Editor of “Amazing Light: A Volume Dedicated To Charles Hard Townes On His 80th Birthday” and Co-Editor of “Visions of Discovery: New Light on Physics, Cosmology, and Consciousness

“The Dynamical Casimir Effect and the Possibility of Laser-Like Generation of Gravitational Radiation.”
For a PDF of Professor Chiao’s slides for this presentation, click here



Session 10: Dr. Peter M. Jansson
Associate Professor of Engineerings at Bucknell University President of Integrated Systems

“An Empirical Pursuit of Mach’s Principle: Experimental Results Indicating a ‘Machian’ Inertial Reaction Force is Detectable and Electromagnetic.”
For a PDF of Professor Jansson’s slides, click here.



Session 11: Dr. John E. Brandenburg
Morningstar Applied Physics, LLC

“The GEMS* Unification Theory and The NASA JSC EM Thruster”
*GEMS being an acronym for “Gravity ElectroMagnetism Super”
For a PDF of Dr. Brandenburg’s slides, click here.



 Session 12: Dr. H Fearn
Professor of Physics at The California State University Fullerton SSI NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Team Principle Investigator
SSI Senior Associate

“The Mach Effect Gravitational Assist Drive “
Updates on The MEGA Drive.
For a PDF of Dr. Fearn’s slides, click here.



Special Bonus Video
Session 00: Greg Meholic

The Aerospace Corporation
“Who We Are and Why We Are Interested”

Following SSI President Gary C Hudson’s very short (and, sadly, not well recorded) welcome to the group on day one, Greg Meholic gave the rules of the campus followed by this fascinating overview of the work of The Aerospace Corporation and insights into the interest there is in Propellantless Propulsion.
For a PDF of Mr. Meholic’s presentation, click here.




We hope that you enjoy these presentations from the SSI 2017 Advanced Propulsion Workshop and invite you to re-view the videos of all three days, plus the videos of the 2016 Estes Park Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop and remember to download and read the  337 page Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop, free of charge, from The Space Studies Institute.

The video releases of the presentations of the 2017 Advanced Propulsion Workshop.
For the Day One Videos and Slides, click here.
For the Day Two Videos and Slides, click here.

Proudly presented by The Space Studies Institute.

Space Studies Institute
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