2016 Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop Proceedings

February 12, 2017

Author: Smith
Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop 2016 participants

Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop 2016 participants


At long last, the Proceedings of the first Estes Park Advanced Propulsion Workshop, sponsored by SSI, are ready for general release.  The free PDF is downloadable by clicking on the link below.

Dedicated to Jim Woodward on the occasion of his 75th birthday, the editors – Lance Williams and H Fearn – have spent countless hours preparing the volume, collecting contributors’ papers, or summarizing talks where no papers were available. SSI and the advanced propulsion community owes them thanks for their tireless efforts.

Besides the main body of the work, they report on the tone and tenor of the gathering, from impromptu discussions that took place during and after talks and at the reception that Jim Woodward’s neighbors Wade and Lanier Whilden graciously hosted for attendees. Several unscheduled and entertaining evening talks on unconventional topics have also been summarized.

We hope you will find the main body of the technical papers worth reading and that the ideas and results presented therein will stimulate even more attention and experimentation into this controversial but important area of research.

Gary C Hudson
Space Studies Institute

For your free PDF copy of the Workshop proceedings, click this link:
Estes Park Workshop Proceedings


A rainbow joined us on that final day

A rainbow joined us on that final day

For more information on the SSI Exotic Propulsion Initiative, click here.
For the full Workshop videos, visit the SSI YouTube Channel or visit this page on SSI.org

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