It all seems rather obvious and easy. Returning natural samples to Earth for analysis is fundamentally important to the goal of using the resources of space to improve the Human...
October 4th. A day that will forever live in History
Happy Anniversary of a revolutionary event! "On October 4, 2004, the Ansari XPRIZE was won by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, successfully completing the contest in their spacecraft...
This story – should be – only beginning
Yay! Happy stories of parties in the widestream press! And now, as our phone feeds push us to move to the next headlines, it's on you to...
UCLA. A shot a day keeps bone loss away
Interesting: Especially good news, after required development and full pharma testing...
Moon. Water. Race. Reasons.
An opinion piece: There was a time, within the lifetimes of many who may read this, when scientists called the idea of useful water resources on the moon silly childish fantasy,...
[from the SSI Facebook page] Apparently a minor ruckus was caused by a forward of a recent SpaceNews story. Comments here and there ran...
Unintended Consequences and Avoidable Ones
Share this image. Share this need. This is important. Blind Faith has no place in mission-critical engineering and Human lives are mission-critical to the Humanization of...
Why is the org into the “most far flung ideas” the one org pushing for the most important near-term work?
Someone is finally at least talking about starting some kind of Reduced Gravity test hardware! SpaceX? No. Blue Origin? Nope. Boeing+Lockheed=ULA? Nah. ESA? NASA? No and for the...
MEGA Progress
Here's a nice video by Bloomberg with recent news about the Mach Effect Gravity Assist (MEGA) thruster work underway in the lab and around the world. Before we get to the Star...
Professor Freeman Dyson, RIP
Freeman Dyson, Space Studies Institute trustee and president emeritus, has passed. Rest in peace, Professor. We will miss your insights and wisdom. Freeman Dyson, Visionary...