Happy Anniversary of a revolutionary event! "On October 4, 2004, the Ansari XPRIZE was won by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, successfully completing the contest in their spacecraft...
SSI President Gary C Hudson: The SFF Commercial Space Pioneers Video Interview
Released September 5th 2023. To most of us in the day to day the cool soft-spoken guy is "Gary," but then we sit back sometimes and go: "Geeze, Gary is "GARY!" What a life. Nice...
Tasha, Jeff and Gerry
Jeff Bezos accepts the Gerard K. O'Neill award from Space Studies Institute co-founder Tasha O'Neill at the National Space Society ISDC in Los Angeles. From our personal talks...
Breakthrough Discuss 2018
SSI Senior Associate Dr. Heidi Fearn and Senior Advisor Jeff Greason join the Progress in Novel Space Propulsion panel at Breakthrough Discuss 2018. Breakthrough Discuss was an...
Will you be at the ISDC?
From last week's members only SSI eUpdate: This year, the National Space Society, one of the largest Space Advocacy organizations on our planet, will be featuring two awards of...
The Vision – Uncut – Now on YouTube
2022 update: If you are looking to quote with date cite and if this includes the words you are interested in, then this document is now public and thus publically quotable. Get...
Embry-Riddle Commercial Space Operations visits SSI
CSO Students l-r: John Key, Rodrigo Bustamante, Nick Altiser, Ashley Hollis-Bussey, Daniel Johnson, Hayley Lewis, Olivia Kirk, CSO Professor Justin Karl. Photo by Doug Messier of...
Dr. Peter E. Glaser 1923-2014
The Space Studies Institute is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Peter Glaser on May 29th. Dr. Glaser's name was synonymous with the technologies of Satellite Solar Power, a...
Senior Advisor Spotlight: John Mankins Launches Kickstarter Campaign for SPS Book
SSI Senior Adviser John C. Mankins has launched a KickStarter fund-raising campaign to fund a new high-quality, non-fiction book on space solar power. Mankins, an internationally...