Join SSI

Space Studies Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to SSI are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

As befits an organization funded by individual donations, SSI is open and welcoming to those who are interested in space settlement and want to help. Volunteers have always made conferences run smoothly, publicized the institute’s work and helped recruit new associates.

If you have the time and inclination to work on some of our projects, please let us know about your skill and desires. Special thanks go to SSI’s Senior Associates, who have always provided the backbone of financial support for the institute. We hope you will renew your commitment to advance the work on space settlement inspired by Professor O’Neill and continued by Space Studies Institute.

Become a Senior Associate with a five-year pledge of $100 a year.

Become a supporting member with a contribution of $50 (students, $25), or donate any amount you choose to support Space Studies Institute’s work to open the space frontier for human settlement

A form may be downloaded here for your reply by mail. (Paying by mail takes a few moments more but adds no credit card processing fees)

The Paypal popups for newer touch interface browsers may show a very simple form rather than a detailed information page.  To keep fees low and the highest percentage or your money going where you want it to go, we are using the simplest Paypal forms.  Be assured that each Associate or contribution does tell us your choice of donation based on the button you click below.  Paypal should email you a detailed receipt, usually acceptable for tax deduction purposes, soon after you make your donation.

Senior Associate

If you choose to donate as a Senior Associate, your pledge to contribute will be $100/yr for five years.


Supporting Member


Student Member

High School and College students, this low cost option is for you! If you’re under 18 please ask your parent or guardian’s permission.


Support Space Studies Institute


Contribute to the work on the very important and timely free-orbiting reduced gravity laboratory: “SSI G-Lab.”
Click here and fill in the amount you wish to contribute.


Contribute to the work on the very important and timely free-orbiting reduced gravity laboratory: “SSI G-Lab.”
Click here and fill in the amount you wish to contribute.

Exotic Propulsion Initiative

Contribute to the work on SSI’s Exotic Propulsion Initiative.
Click here and fill in the amount you wish to contribute.

SSI "Pay what you can"

The Space Studies Institute works because of generous donations by forward-thinking individuals like you. Along with the specific projects listed above, there are plenty of other real needs that YOU can be a big help on.

Production of more great releases like The High Frontier and 2081 SSI Kindle editions, the ongoing work to digitize and make public the SSI/NASA/Department of Energy Solar Power Satellite Library, the production of audio and video editions of our materials and just the day to day running of a good office all have real costs.

So we’ve added this last “Donate” link below for more general support of overall SSI Outreach. The amount is up to you and whatever you are able to give is sincerely appreciated and will be used to support the real work required for The Human Breakout Into Space.

Click here and fill in the amount you wish to contribute.

Space Studies Institute
7429 Laurel Canyon Blvd
Suite S
North Hollywood CA 91605
(661) 750-2774