An SPS Report

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Solar Energy Conversion

An Analysis Of Impacts On Desert Ecosystems

  • Contract Number: EC77S024339
  • Release year: 1978
  • Pages: 101

Coordinating Organizations:

  • Arizona State University
  • US Department Of Energy


Duncan T Patten


This report is not about SPS so... why? The knee-jerk reaction to reading it in relation to its focus at the time prior to building Solar One (and the eventual realities of Solar Two and Crescent Dunes, and here in 2023 when the United States is building just yet another "test" of Solar Power Tower tech instead of 'just doing it') is that America suffers from Analysis Paralysis and will again be left behind by our own inventions. Another way to see it is that America has learned to look at the ramifications of building without care for the existing plants, animals... and people. This is a good thing, a thing that sets America apart from some other countries. Together, these views let us see the edges and set our goal to be having less negative impact on the Earth while benefiting from proper use of the Earth's land areas. As Space people work to make their tech more efficient, here on the surface that same work has to be done in Ecological Management and government bureaucracies.

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Space Studies Institute
7429 Laurel Canyon Blvd
Suite S
North Hollywood CA 91605
(661) 750-2774