Satellite Power System Salvage and Disposal Alternatives
- Contract Number: 3349
- Contract Number: NAS833783
- Release year: 1980
- Pages: 96
Coordinating Organizations:
- ECON, Inc.
Joel S Greenberg, George A Hazelrigg, Georg F Von Tiesenhausen
All of what goes up does not necessarily have to come back down - or be parked forever in a graveyard orbit. This report considers the disposal and/or reclamation of the parts and materials of a demonstration SPS system and, if the tests indicate the worth, of full-scale power satellites after their estimated 30 year performance life. The Rockwell SPS system design is used as the primary source of quantitative data. It is not assumed by this report that at the end the pilot test the demonstration units will be fully disposed of (although history does paint that as the NASA modus operandi) and the report includes options for re-purposing some parts of the whole for extended benefits.
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