A Free PDF from SSI

February 10, 2017

Author: Smith
SSI 10th Conference Remarks Document Cover
This is the 90th Birthday week of Space Studies Institute’s founder Gerard K. O’Neill and over on the Space Studies Institute Facebook Page we’ve been posting some snippets from Gerry’s Opening Remarks at the 10th SSI-Princeton Conference on Space Manufacturing.

It was O’Neill’s last time together with the whole SSI membership, scientists and engineers and this short conference opener was, as they say, “A Doozy.”

There is nothing unclear or fluffy in the Professor’s words.

Acquiring copies of the complete collection of SSI Conference Proceedings is an expensive task for individuals, mostly these books are part of private research libraries, so there’s a chance that many even in the SSI family haven’t yet seen all of the details of the real work that can make The High Frontier Concept a reality.  We’re working on ways to make the volumes more accessible, but for right now we’d like to share with you this one small but very important chapter… The full text of those Gerard K. O’Neill Opening Remarks.

If you’ve been reading the quotes on the Facebook page and want more in context, or if you just stopped by here and are open for a very good read, it’s all yours on a free PDF from SSI.  I’ve read it myself and it clocks in at less than 6 minutes… but it packs quite a punch.

90 times Earth has moved around the sun since Gerard O’Neill was born, 40 times since he and Tasha started SSI to work on making a better future for Human Beings.  How many more times does the planet have to run in circles before we take it upon ourselves to pitch in and help its people truly get somewhere?

It’s high time to get people moving toward The High Frontier.

Want the pdf for download? Click here

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