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1981 Volume 2, Number 3
130 pages, 13 articles:
Editorial by John Freeman, Rice University
Letters to the Editor by Louis Livingston, Johnson Space Center
Projecting International Political Reaction to SPS by Stoil and Brownell, Kappa Systems Arlington
SPS: Results of Public Outreach by Ken Bossong, Citizen’s Energy Project
SPS: The Ionosphere and Communications by Duncan and Gordon, Los Alamos and Rice University
Use of Lunar Materials in Space Construction by Edwin Roedder, USGS
Preparation of Cell Feed Materials for Aluminum and Magnesium Production by James Barclay, Bureau of Mines
Magnesium Reduction Processes For Use In Space by Leontis and Vaaler, Battelle
Chronic Exposure of a Honey Bee Colony to 2.45GHz Continuous Wave Microwaves by Becky Westerdahl and Norman Gary, UC Davis
Survival, Development and Teratology of Honey Bee Brood Following Exposure to 2.45GHz Continuous Wave Radiation by Westerdahl and Gary, UC Davis
A Technical Note on the SPS Energy Analysis of Herendeen, Et Al by Robert Spear and George Hornberger, UC Berkeley and UVA Charlottesville
31st Congress of the IAF, Tokyo, September 1980 by Frederick Osborn, SUNSAT
Press Briefing on the US Department of Energy SPS Concept Development and Evaluation Program Final Report, December 1980 by D. Peter Glaser, SUNSAT
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