Space Power Journals

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1990 Volume 9, Numbers 2&3

188 pages, 11 articles:

Ion Drag on a Highly Negatively Biased Solar Array by Daniel Hastings and Mengu Cho

Microwave Energy Transmission Experiment by Hiroshi Matsumoto, Nobuyuki Kaya and Makoto Nagatomo

An Experimental Stirling Engine for Use in Space Solar Dynamic Power Systems: Preliminary Tests by Kunihisa Eguchi, Sachio Ogiwara and Tsutomo Fujiwara

Study of Parabolic Solar Concentrators by Sumio Kato, Hiroshi Oda, Yasuhiro Takeshita, Yoshinori Sakai, Tatsusaburo Nakamura and Osamu Murugishi

Space Station Freedom Growth Power Requirements by BD Meredith, PR Ahlf and RJ Saucillo

Satellite Attitude Control through Solar Radiation: a New Approach by Krishna Kumar

High Temperature Superconductivity Technology for Advanced Space Power Systems by Karl Faymon, Ira Myers and Denis Connolly

An Indirect Search for Lunar Polar Ices by Francis Graham

Overview of CNES-CEA Joint Programme on Space Nuclear Brayton Systems by F Carre, E Proust, S Chaudourne, P Keirle, Z Tilliette and B Vrillon

Rechargeable Lithium Battery Technology: a Survey by Gerald Halpert and Subbarao Surampudi

SP-100 Power System Development Status by Jack Mondt

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