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1994 Volume 13, Numbers 3&4
We thought of faking a better looking cover but this is about reality.
154 pages, 8 articles:
Developing a Space Power Brayton System by VF Prisnyakov, IN Statsenko, AI Kondratjev, VI Markov, BE Petrov and VA Gabrinets
Foundations of Liquid Space Optics for Astronomy, Solar Power Satellites and Interplanetary Shuttles by JH Bloomer
Announcement: 1995 Wireless Power Transmission Conference to be held in Kobe, Japan
Analytic Integration of a Common Set of Microwave Beam Intensity Functions by Seth Potter
Future Directions in Photovoltaic (PV) Cell Development: Summary of the Workshop at SPRAT-XIII by Geoffrey Landis
Power From Space – Can it Compete? by Bryan Erb
Announcement: Solar Energy: Terrestrial and Celestial a short course by Gay Canough
Solar Energy Systems for Industrialization A special section from the SUNSAT Energy Council by Dr. Peter Glaser and Raymond Leonard
Previous: Volume 13, Numbers 1&2