SPS. Seven Days….

December 31, 2024

Author: Smith

It’s the Seventh day of SPS.

Seeeeeeven Daaaaaays….
Sorry, it’s that wet grey time in Seattle when locals pop in old vcr tapes and enjoy the world’s idea of our climate.

For everyone else, Happy New Years Eve!

You know, even with this weather, where standard Solar Cells don’t do much good, if there were Solar Power Satellites there would be no finger biting at the system meters. And even in places bathed in sunshine most every day of every year, there would be no anxieties over those pesky interruptions like… oh, Nights.

We know, batteries will one day be real economical and safely helpful because someday, perhaps sooner than fusion actually works for consumers, we will find ways to make batteries stop exploding, stop toxifying the air around their warehouse and train accidents and not be so worrisome after we dump the millions of tons of them into landfills to leak out where future homes and schools will tap into the nearby water supplies.

It will eventually happen, we are absolutely sure of it.

But let’s keep looking at the other solid options anyways.

Day 7 of the SSI Twelve Days Of SPS is the seventh year of volumes of the journal of the SUNSAT Energy Council. You may have noticed that with Volume 6 the journal’s name was changed from the long “SPACE SOLAR POWER REVIEW” to the simpler “SPACE POWER”. In 1988 there was another change, the editor-in-chief position moved from Rice University’s John W Freeman to Space Studies Institute Senior Associate Dr. Andy Cutler. The traditional cover art style was updated and the internal fonts were made a little bit clearer and the quality and depth stayed to the established standard.

There is a LOT in this volume of 30+ articles in 400+ pages and we know that it is a holiday so we don’t expect you to set down right now an read it all, but DO try to get some skimming in.

Because of who we are, we want to point out the article in the Volume 7, number 1 “Design of a Solar Power Satellite for Construction from Lunar Materials” by Gregg Maryniak (SSI Executive Vice President and later President of SUNSAT) and Brian Tillotson (Director of Research, Space Research Associates). The Volume 6 number 1 edition was an in-depth study by SRA for SSI, this article is not just a re-hash, it’s good extra clarifier.

Click Here to jump to the growing grid of SUNSAT volumes and flick down to the latest releases, you can’t miss them, they say NEW!.

Ok, you have things to do and so do we all. Happy News Years Eve 2024! RING it in!

But stay away from VCRs and any open wells.

Space Studies Institute
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Suite S
North Hollywood CA 91605
(661) 750-2774

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