On January 25th Cranfield University in Cranfield, Branford, England presented the inaugural ‘Manufacturing 2075 Think Tank’. It was a wonderful meeting of presentations and workgroups and The Space Studies Institute was honored to be invited to be among the first participants.
Our session was promoted as a discussion of ‘Manufacturing on the Moon’ and we used that starting point to give an overview of the reasons for using the resources of the Moon but getting bigger payoffs by moving the actual manufacturing to a free-space location.
In other words, we presented The High Frontier Concept.
We hope that we were able to pique the interest of future manufacturing Leaders and perhaps even break through a few common misconceptions about the limitations of off-Earth activities. After all, Space is big and the Moon and Mars and all of the other planetary surfaces added together don’t even come close to representing the true useable area that is available to business and humanity just above the Earth’s atmosphere.
We thank all of the conference participants for allowing us to wheel our virtual persona ‘head-on-a-stick’ into their discussion groups and we are indebted to Professor Rajkumar Roy [Director of Manufacturing, Manufacturing Department Director, The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services (EPSRC-TES Centre) and Director, Operations Excellence Institute (OPEX-Institute)], and Dr. Jen Fensome [Head of Research Excellence, Research and Innovation Office], and Samuel Court [Software Development Engineer & Lab Manager at Cranfield University] for making SSI feel so welcome and for putting on such an exciting event.
SSI members in the UK may wish to take a look at upcoming Cranfield University events including the Manufacturing on The Moon Apprenticeship Competition coming up in May. For information on that event please click here.
And if you have 12 minutes, we invite you to view the SSI presentation that gave a very quick overview of the SSI High Frontier Concept to the participants in the first Cranfield Think Tank, we recorded it to a video and it is available now via the SSI YouTube Channel.
SPS. … And Then
SPS. January 1992. The last public writing of Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill We don't normally use the...