PREFACE, pg. iii
WELCOME/Theodore J. Ziolkowski, Princeton University, pg. 1
INTRODUCTION/Gerard K. O’Neill, Princeton University, pg. 3
Chair: Jerry Grey, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Introduction/Jerry Grey, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pg. 7
International and Legal Considerations/Edward R. Finch Jr., Finch and Schaefler-Attorneys, pg. 9
Manufacturing/Charles A. Rosen, Machine Intelligence Corporation, pg. 13
Electromagnetic Accelerators/Henry H. Kolm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pg. 17
Social Sciences/Kerry M. Jo‘ls, National Air and Space Museum, pg. 21
Novel Concepts/Gary C. Hudson, G. C. H., Inc., pg. 25
Materials Resources and Processing/David R. Criswell, California Space Institute, pg. 27
Space Stations and Habitats/B. J. Bluth, California State University, pg. 33
Concluding Remarks/Gerard K. O’Neill, Princeton University, pg. 37
VIEWPOINTS ON SPACE: An On-Site Delphi at Princeton ’81, pg. 41
Conducted by: Arthur M. Harkins, University of Minnesota
Kerry M. Jo‘ls, National Air and Space Museum
Chair: Irwin Pikus, National Science Foundation
Institutional Aspects of International Co-Operation in Space Manufacturing/ Nandasari Jasentuliyana, United Nations, pg. 51
Space Manufacturing and the Proposed Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies/Eilene Galloway, International Institute of Space Law, pg. 55
Space Manufacturing: The Stake, Interest, and Potential Role of Developing Nations/ Marta Ceheisky, National Science Foundation, pg. 61
Recent Trends in Space Law: Focus on the LDC’s/Stephen Gorove, University of Mississippi Law Center, pg. 67
International Space Policy and the Interests of the United States and Developing Countries/ Bruce Bon, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, pg. 71
Military Implications of a Satellite Power System/J. Peter Vajk, Science Applications, Inc., Robert Salkeld, Consultant, Richard D. Stutzke, Science Applications, Inc., Gerald W. Driggers, Consultant, and G. Harry Stine, Consultant, pg. 77
International Resource Allocation Policy Governing Asteroidal Wealth/ Martin A. Rothblatt, University of California, pg. 89
Space Manufacturing Facilities and the Law of Telecommunications: Invisible Resources and International Law/A. L. Moore, Legal Consultant, pg. 95
International Legal Regimes for Outer Space Resources-Solar Power Satellites/ Edward R. Finch Jr., Finch and Schaefler-Attorneys, pg. 97
Discussion, pg. 105
Chair: Charles A. Rosen, Machine Intelligence Corporation.
A Self-Replicating, Growing Lunar Factory/Robert A. Freitas Jr., Space Initiative/XRI and William B. Zachary, San Jose State University, pg. 109
An Hierarchical System Architecture for Automated Design, Fabrication, and Repair/ Rodger A. Cliff, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, pg. 121
A Feasibility Study on the Fabrication of Integrated Circuits and Other Electronic Components/W. B. Zachary, San Jose State University, pg. 127
Remote Teleoperation Earth to Moon-An Experiment/Al Globus, Santa Cruz, Calif., pg. 133
The Economics of Bootstrapping Space Industries-Development of an Analytic Computer Model/Aaron H. Goldberg, Lunar & Planetary Institute and David R. Criswell, California Space Institute, pg. 137
The Impact on U.S. Industrial Growth of Solar Power Satellites from Space Manufacturing Facilities/Reiner Kummel, Physikalisches Institute der U niversitat Wurzburg, pg. 151
Chair: Henry H. Kolm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Small Scale Lunar Launcher for Early Lunar Material Utilization/William R. Snow, Joel A. Kubby, and R. Scott Dunbar, Princeton University, pg. 157
The Supply of Lunar Oxygen to Low Earth Orbit/D. G. Andrews, The Boeing Company and W. R. Snow, Princeton University, pg. 173
Recent Developments in Mass Drivers/Gerard K. O’Neill, Princeton University, pg. 181
Lateral Deflections of the Mass Driver Bucket/Stephen Leete, Princeton University, pg. 187
Precision Release and Aim of Payloads Launched by Lunar Mass-Driver/T. A. Heppenheimer, Center for Space Science, David J. Ross, Advanced Propulsion Technology, and Eric C. Hannah, Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, pg. 191
Electrostatic Velocity Adjustment of Payloads Launched by Lunar Mast. A. Heppenheimer, Center for Space Science, David J. Ross, Advanced Propulsion Technology, Eric C. Hannah, Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, pg. 203
Single Stage Pulsed Induction Reaction Engine/Peter Mongeau, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory (MIT), pg. 213
A Low Cost Earth Based Launch System and Its Effects on Space Industrialization/ Dani Eder, New York, N.Y., pg. 221
An Electromagnetic First Stage Space Cargo Launcher/H. Kolm, P. Mongeau, F. Williams, P. Graneau, and K. McKinney, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pg. 231
Chair: Kerry M. Jo‘ls, National Air and Space Museum
Current Space Policy Controversies-An Observer’s Perspective/J. M. Logsdon, George Washington University, pg. 237
Space Policy: The Context of Legislation/Charles M. Chafer, Georgetown University, pg. 241
The Improving Socio-Political Situation of the American Space Program in the Early 1980’s/ Robert D. McWilliams, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pg. 251
Exploring and Settling Pacific Ocean Space-Past Analogues for Future Events?/ Ben R. Finney, University of Hawaii, pg. 261
Cooperating Ethnotronic and Ethnobiological Systems in Space/Arthur M. Harkins, University of Minnesota, pg. 271
One Thousand Channels: A Promise, A Problem, A Parable/Kerry M. Jo‘ls, National Air and Space Museum, pg. 275
Discussion, pg. 283
Chair: T. Stephen Cheston, Georgetown University
Summary of Presentations/Leonard David and Sheila David, Space Data Resources and Information, pg. 287
Discussion/Morris Hornik, George Washington University, pg. 291
Chair: Hubert P. Davis, Eagle Engineering, Inc.
Rethinking Our Space Future/Gordon R. Woodcock, Boeing Aerospace Company, pg. 295
A Decision-Analytic Evaluation of the SPS Program/A. Blair Ireland, Princeton University, pg. 301
A Modular Low Cost Launch Vehicle System: The Percheron Project/Gary C. Hudson, Tom A. Brosz, David J. Ross, Clifton Home, and Eric Laursen, G. C. H., Inc., pg. 311
Force at a Distance-The Case for Active Compressional Structure/Ray Sperber, GTE Satellite Corporation, pg. 317
The Geosynchronous Tidal Web, A Method for Constructing an Ultra-Large Space Structure/R. E. Simberg, Manhattan Beach, Calif., pg. 323
Useful Properties and Novel Methods for Transportation of Lunar Soil in or to Earth Orbit/ R. D. Waldron, Rockwell International Corporation, pg. 331
Solar Powered Stratospheric Platform (SPSP)/E. C. Okress and R. K. Soberman, Franklin Research Center, pg. 343
Design and Operation of High Performance Space Telescopes/R. L. Frost and J. E. Beckman, Queen Mary College, pg. 349
The Ultimate Telescope-Space Manufacturing and the Gravitational Lens/ Eric Cabot Hannah, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, pg. 355
Discussion, pg. 361
Chairman: David R. Criswell, California Space Institute
Beneficiation and Powder Metallurgical Processing of Lunar Soil Metal/William N. Agosto, Rutgers University, pg. 365
Electrophoretic Separation of Lunar Soils in a Space Manufacturing Facility/ Jeremy D. Dunning, Indiana University and Robert S. Snyder, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, pg. 371
Progress Report on Experimental Program to Develop HF Acid Leach Process for Refining Luni. R. Arnold and D. R. Criswell, California Space Institute, and R. D. Waldron, Rockwell International, pg. 379
Electrorefining Process for Lunar Free Metal: Space & Terrestrial Applications and Implications/ R. D. Waldron, Rockwell International, pg. 383
Powder Metallurgy in Space Manufacturing/David R. Criswell, California Space Institute, pg. 389
Discussion, pg. 399
Chair: B. J. Bluth, California State University and Charles L. Gould, Rockwell International
United States and Soviet Life Sciences Factors in Long-Duration Space Flight/Joseph C. Sharp, NASA Ames Research Center, pg. 403
Behavioral and Biological Interactions with Confined Microsocieties in a Programmed Environment/ Henry H. Emurian and Joseph V. Brady, The Johns Hopkins University, and James L. Meyerhoff and Edward H. Mougey, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, pg. 407
Social Ecology and Human Development: A Systems Approach for the Design of Human Communities in Space/Howard I. Thorsheim and Bruce B. Roberts, St. Olaf College, pg. 423
Influential Factors of Negative Effects in the Isolated and Confined Environment/S. R. McNeal and B. J. Bluth, California State University, pg. 435
A Modest Habitation Facility in Low Earth Orbit/Thomas C. Taylor, Taylor & Associates, Inc., pg. 443
Discussion, pg. 455
Two of the papers presented orally at the Conference were not able to be included in this volume.
• Preliminary Design of a 1000 Ton Per Year Liquid Oxygen Plant for Bootstrapping Lunar Operations, by John Oldson, John Livingston, Karl Brown, and Richard Edelson, Space Sciences Laboratory (U.C.Berkeley)
• Space Riches, by David L. Kuck, Oracle, Ariz.