In case your phone missed it. There was a minor flurry of Solar Power Satellite / Space Based Solar Power news near the end of October and leading into November, likely prompted...
SPS. No, the Opposite
"“Electricity is plentiful and cheap here on the ground but scarce and expensive in space; we remedy that imbalance,” says Robert Millman, CEO of Electric Sky. " Read that quote...
SPS. Five New Government Reports and a Second Dad
The Space Studies Institute just added a new batch of U.S. government reports to the SSI SPS Research Library Online Collection: Satellite Power System Engineering And Economic...
SPS in the New York Times. And a special free pre-release of a classic
The New York Times caught up with the Solar Power Satellites / Space-Based Solar Power story a few days ago. We apologize for the wait but as you will see in the article there...
SPS. Help for your European Space Agency Solar Power Satellite Submission. Don’t wait!
The European Space Agency SPS Call For Proposals deadline is coming up fast. Want background on the key topics that they hope to start...
SPS. The Europeans have a great concept
Doesn't take much investigation for someone to hit the fact that that guy O'Neill and the folks who made SSI with him were constantly...
SPS. On Quartz Space Business
"“One of the challenges we are facing right now is incrementalism,” Hajimiri says. “There’s a lot of incremental [work] that’s important and essential, [but] it should not come...
SPS. The Public Brit View
Post images from BBC Science Focus (March 2023 but, except for the JBIS, tech mags take the slowest boat possible across the pond. We just...
SPS. United States Congress
"for the first time since the 1970s, the idea of space-based solar power has been addressed legislatively by the US Congress." ""..and if the United States doesn't do it,...
SPS. Wall Street Journal Beaming Energy From Space
Money makes the world go 'round. Money people read the Wall Street Journal. Keep it up. Read the Article here (Paywall, but...):...