Table of Contents
Rick N. Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation, pg. 1
Gregory Bennett, Bigelow Areospace, pg. 3
Rick N. Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation, pg. 5
Ian Pryke, ESA, pg. 9
Kent Joosten, NASA, Johnson Space Center, pg. 13
Miracles Ocurring Now
James Dunstan, Garvey, Schubert, and Barer, pg. 17
Space Agencies and Lunar Development: The Next Decade
Wendell Mendell, Planetary Scientist, Johnson Space Center, pg. 21
Gregory Bennett, Bigelow Aerospace, pg. 26
Jim Busby, Space Frontier Foundation, pg. 26
Rick N. Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation, pg. 27
Chair: Edward Belbruno, Princeton University and IOD, Inc.
The Cislunar Tether Transportation System Architecture
Robert Hoyt, Tethers Unlimited, Inc., Robert Forward, and John Grant and Michal Bangham, The Boeing Company, pg. 31
Preliminary Systems Sizing for an X-38 Derived Lunar Transfer Vehicle
Robert Howard, Jr., University of Tennessee Space Institute, pg. 42
WSB Lunar Transfer for Lunar Base Construction
Edward Belbruno, Princeton University and IOD, Inc., pg. 50
Chair: Madhu Thangavelu, University of Southern California
Commercial Space Habitation
Thomas Taylor and Stanley Johansen, Global Outpost, Inc., pg. 57
Planet Moon: Phases for Development
David Schrunk, Poway, CA and Madhu Thangavelu, Bonnie L. Cooper, and Burton L. Sharpe,University of Southern California, pg. 68
Tools for Developing a Moon Logistics and Settlement Architecture: Focus on Using a Simplified Engineering Cost Model
Charles Reynerson, Ball Aerospace, pg. 75
Lunar Base Simulation: Architectural Concepts and Technology Testbed
Matthew Herman, Bigelow Aerospace, pg. 82
Computer Accelerated Conceptual Design Development of Spacecraft
Knut Oxnevad, pg. 88
Long-Term Consequences of Habitat Supply and Life-Support Choices in Initial Lunar Facilities
Karen Cramer Shea, Washington, DC, pg. 95
Space-Based Information Infrastructure for Long-Term Habitation
Jay Thomas, Kamran Aslam, Lynn Craig, Stephen Jaeger, Jennifer Jones, Danna Lappe and David Weiler, University of Illinois, pg. 100
Lunar Rock Structures
Madhu Thangavelu, University of Southern California, pg. 106
The Structural Use of Cast Basalt in Pre-Cast, Post-Tensioned Members to Construct Assorted Lunar Facilities
Kevin Greene, Parsons Brinckerhoff, pg. 109
The Almaz Inflatable Module for Space Habitation
Diane Maxwell, Jamie Floyd, Scott McDade and Brian Harris, Space Development Corporation, pg. 113
Alpha Principles of Universe Sustainable Architecture
Nader Khalili and Madhu Thangavelu, pg. 122
Design for a Moon Crater Base
Alice Eichold, Davis, CA, pg. 126
Chair: Rick Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation
How to Make Privately Funded Space Settlements Possible
Alan Wasser, New York, NY, pg. 139
Chair: Steve Durst, Space Age Publishing Company and Lunar Enterprise Corp
Lunar Burial: The First Lunar Enterprise
Charles Chafer and Cynthia Price, Celestis, Inc., pg. 147
Lunar Ethics and Space Commercialization
David Livingston, Livingston Business Solutions, pg. 150
Our Lunar Destiny
Christopher Rohwer, The Boeing Company, pg. 158
Treatment Letter for Privatized Property Ownership
Dennis Hope, Lunar Embassy, pg. 169
Strawman Business Plan for a Commercial Lunar Sample Return Mission
Gregory Bennett, Bigelow Aerospace, pg. 176
Lunar Power System Coalition
Dan Greenwood, Lunar Power System Coalition and Robert Waldron, Canoga Park, CA, pg. 185
An Economic Paradigm for Commercial Lunar Mineral Exploration
Brad Blair, Lunar Economic Development Authority, pg. 194
Entrepreneurship on the Moon
Mike Ryan, Bellamine College, pg. 202
Prospects of Commercial Activities at a Lunar Base
Haym Benaroya, Rutgers University, pg. 208
International Lunar Observatory/Power Station: From Hawaii to the Moon
Steve Durst, Space Age Publishing Company and Lunar Enterprise Corp, pg. 220
Chair: Stewart Nozette, Naval Research Laboratory and Naval Center for Space Technology
Integration of Lunar Polar Datasets
Steward Nozette and Chris Lichtenberg, Naval Research Laboratory and Naval Center for Space Technology and Paul L. Spudis, Lunar and Planetary Institute and Mark Robinson and D.B.J. Bussey, Northwestern University, and Robert Bonner, Protasis, Inc., pg. 225
Organic-based Dissolution of Silicates as an Approach to Element Extraction From Lunar Regolith
Stephen Gillett, University of Nevada, pg. 240
Monolithic Power Converter Technologies for Nanosatellite Constellations
Krishna Shenai and Erik McShane, University of Illinois, pg. 247
Large Array Reflectors for Use in Lunar Smelting and Mining Operations
Louis Charles Streiber, Austin, TX, pg. 254
Mixed-Signal VLSI Enabling Technologies for Low-Power, Densely-Integrated Spacecraft Avionics
Erik McShane and Krishna Shenai, University of Illinois, pg. 261
Nuclear Power Without Radioactive Waste: The Promise of Helium 3
G.L. Kulcinski and H. H. Schmitt, University of Wisconsin-Madison, pg. 271
Lunar Platform for Astronomical Research: Strategies for Doing Lunar Astronomy and Securing Funds
Robert Strong, West Liberty State College, pg. 278
Megawatt Power Electronics on Silicon Carbide for Space Applications
Malay Trivedi, Philip Neudeck and Krishna Shenai, University of Illinois, pg. 284
Manufacturing Helium Three in Fission Reactors
David Dietzler, Menamee College, pg. 297
A Coherent Vision for Space Exploration and Development in the 21st Century
David G. Schrunk, Madhu Thangavelu, Bonnie L. Cooper, and Burton L. Sharpe, pg. 297