SSI appreciates your your help on this Giving Tuesday
Today is "Giving Tuesday," a yearly event created to do the Heinlein 'Pay It Forward' in a big way. The Space Studies Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded by...
15,000 Scientists From 184 Countries Just Issued A Dire ‘Warning To Humanity’
The news today is of a rebirth of the Limits To Growth issue that this planet faces.People are talking about this "down to earth" set of topics again which is very, very good.We...
Moon, Mars and issues of Gravity
October 26th 2017 Update: a pdf of President Gary's slides from the ASGSR presentation is now available on the SSI G-Lab overview page! A note from President Gary C Hudson: To...
Thank you SSI Associates!
THANK YOU to our recent new and renewing SSI Associates: E. Tilenius, California S. MacEwan, Virginia S. & B. Brodbeck, Ohio C. Renaud L. Danly, California B. Greene, New...
Today at NASA NIAC 2017
Pictured above: Dr. Heidi Fearn at NIAC Today at the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program’s 2017 Symposium in Denver, SSI SA Dr. Heidi Fearn presented “Mach Effects...
Next Week: NIAC!
Next Week: NIAC! The SSI Exotic Propulsion Initiative work continues... SSI President Gary C Hudson has this update for All SSI Associates: "The NASA sponsored NIAC Symposium...
Jerry Pournelle Remembered
My friend and sometimes colleague in matters aerospace, Dr. Jerry Pournelle, passed away quietly in his sleep this past Friday, age 84. Aerospace engineer, author of The...
The 2081 and High Frontier Free Giveaway is now over!
The Space Studies Institute giveaway of the Kindle editions of Gerard K. O'Neill's 2081 and The High Frontier just ended a few minutes ago. Final tally? 989 total free copies...
Right Now 2081 and The High Frontier are FREE
*** This Free giveaway ended September 10th. If you missed it, the price is just $6..99 USD, a minor investment in a major future!*** We broke the news yesterday for SSI...