SSI at Exotic Propulsion Workshop

September 21, 2016

Author: Smith

This week, SSI is very proud to be with Dr. James Woodward, Dr H Fearn, Dr José Rodal  and, basically, the top minds in advanced “exotic” propulsion.
This is a by-invitation gathering and there is very limited connectivity way up here in the Rockies so we’ll have to wait for the end of the meeting to post.  But we assure you that there is a LOT more information to come…
Here are some helpful links:

Michelle Broyles and Gary Hudson at The Workshop

At the Exotic Propulsion Workshop, NSF’s Michelle “SeeShells” Broyles and SSI President Gary Hudson. To learn more about Michelle’s work, see the page

9-22 UPDATE:  Near the end of the final day we looked out the window and saw a double rainbow so most of the group ran outside to get this picture.
Truly it was a special week.  Many, many thanks to everyone for making it all work out.  Jim, H, Lance, Robin, Anne, EVERYONE THANK YOU!
Now the process of going through the A/V and papers to make proceedings begins, and SSI will post updates as we get them.
Happy flights home everyone!

Space Studies Institute
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Suite S
North Hollywood CA 91605
(661) 750-2774

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