White House:
Much news coverage today of the Administration’s Space ideas. Most everywhere comes the note that big dreams are great but without investment they tend to remain nice dreams.
Investments are made in things that pay back, obviously and (pardon) ‘bigly.’ Until the goal from the start is for something to at least pay its own way there will always just be nice talk of skipping on Mars and ‘Science.’
Bringing to mind this SSI Alumnus’ famous anecdote:
– James Muncy’
Until some Space agency starts bringing economically sized ISO Containers of “Rare Earths” down the Gravity Well from the Asteroids, what could possibly be worth such investment? The last half of this 5 minute read related to a previous Administration’s big plan has one idea:
“Now that’s a space program that, I believe, makes sense”
– Gerard K. O’Neill