History Made Today By Blue Origin.
We sincerely hope that the amazing team at Blue Origin doesn't mind our sharing these pictures from today's record-setting part of Human History. Smartly Done, Smartly Done....
Free Presentations from The Space Studies Institute
The Space Studies Institute is sometimes asked if we can provide pre-made Powerpoint presentations so folks can go out and correctly give new minds The High Frontier Concept. ...
There’s An O’Neill Colony in San Francisco
The Bay Area is beautiful this time of year. The trees in all of the parks are nearly turned and soon that legendary romantic, film noir fog will be making the Golden Gate Bridge...
SSI Mass Drivers on and elsewhere
December 2019 update: Part 3 of the 1976 Space Manufacturing Summer Study Series: "Dr. Brian O'Leary on Mass Driver Payload Guidance and Transfer" is now available on the Space...
SSI 50: The Space Settlement Enterprise Video Collection
Professional organizations release conference videos for folks who couldn't make the trips themselves, but professional viewers have to remember that there is a human downside to...
SSI 50: Reevaluating SSPS and Considering Other Revenue Potentials
About three quarters the way through the final panel session of the final day of SSI 50, two attendees quickly ducked out of the Allen auditorium to refresh their coffees. As the...
SSI 50: Bioneering
"Life originated in the sea and developed in it slowly for hundreds of millions of years, while the land surfaces of the ancient earth remained utterly lifeless. The primitive,...
SSI 50: Lunch with Astronaut Dr. Yi Soyeon
Wilder than any Jackie Chan adventure! Dr. Yi Soyeon, Mechanical Engineer, Biotechnologist, ISU Alumni and first South Korean Astronaut was in attendance at the September 2019...
SSI 50: Space Access Transport and Logistics
The first major panel from day two of SSI 50 at the Museum of Flight in Seattle was great on multiple levels. First and foremost the content was top notch, but then that is no...
SSI 50: A View From Kennedy
"We've certainly reached milestones that we didn't think we were going to reach before, and now they are the new norm" - Dr. Justin Karl September 10th, 2019 at the Museum of...